Organic Cold Pressed Rosehip Oil
The vitamins present in the oil serve as antioxidants that help fight the free radicals. And the essential fatty acids in the oil, namely oleic, linoleic, palmitic, and gamma linoleic acids, are absorbed by the skin and converted into prostaglandins. These compounds play a role in the regeneration of tissues and cellular membranes. The oil also helps improve skin health to help delay the signs of ageing.
Passionflower Seed Oil
Passion Flower Oil is rich in vitamins and minerals, particularly Vitamin A, Phosphorous and Calcium. This oil helps skin retain moisture as it softens and nourishes dry skin and is excellent for mature and anti-aging skin care.
Cocoa Butter
Cocoa Butter is highly protective whilst it softens and lubricates the skin reducing dryness and improving skin flexibility. Used to heal and moisturise skin that has been exposed to the elements and it is said to reduce the formation of stretch marks during pregnancy by keeping skin supple.
Shea Butter
Shea butter is an emollient, extremely therapeutic, and helps to heal cracked, aged and damaged skin. Its chemical constituents help to heal bruising and soreness. Shea butter penetrates the skin and leaves it feeling soft and smooth. It is also rich in vitamins A and E.
Argan Oil
Said to have restorative and anti-age defying effects this oil has become one of the latest miracle ingredients in the beauty industry and, one of the most expensive beauty oils in the world. High in Vitamin E and essential fatty acids, it is believed to help all sorts of skin conditions: acne, eczema, psoriasis, dry skin, wrinkles.
Jojoba Oil
Jojoba Oil has natural anti-oxidant and anti-bacterial properties and it is said to be very effective in fighting wrinkles. Jojoba also contains a natural anti-inflammatory called myristic acid and is therefore considered beneficial for arthritis and rheumatism. It is an excellent moisturizer rich in vitamin E and softens the skin.
Sweet Almond Oil
Sweet Almond Oil is easily absorbed and serves as a great emollient, by lending a soft glowing beautiful touch to the skin. It makes a great lubricant, thus aids in combating itching and inflammation. It has a high concentration of oleic and linoleic essential fatty acids.
Vitamin E
Helps to calm inflammation and has an antioxidant action. Believed to improve the use of oxygen in the tissues and increase capillary circulation.
Rose Essential Oil
Has excellent emollient properties for moisturizing dry skin; it also offers antiseptic and astringent properties to treat acneic skin, as well as anti-inflammatory properties that help treat redness and inflammation.
Neroli Essential Oil
Rejuvenates and intensely moisturises the skin and boosting the natural process of cell regeneration.
Belle Faulkner –
This facial candle is a revelation! I love it! The warm oil gives a rosy glow to your face and works really well together with the Gua Sha sculpting tool.